Diversity Management Tool

Written by
Cornelia Kirschke
ID37 Tool for Diversity Management
ID37 personality profiles make diversity visible
Individuals bring diversity to an organization. The ID37 personality profile puts the details of personalities into focus. It helps us to understand how we differ from each other in our behavioral and thinking patterns. Understanding individual differences and personality characteristics enables us to treat each other respectfully. By implementing ID37 seamlessly into teams, ID37 accelerates diversity management.

Models and tools for diversity management

What does diversity management mean? Diversity management in the workplace is intended to create a fair, equal and unbiased working environment where similarities and differences of individuals are valued. Diversity managers develop programs and maintain processes that provide an inclusive workplace that values and protects each of its employees equally by providing resources to learn form, connect with and respect individual differences.

Diversity managers use the model of the “4 layers of diversity” in order to illustrate what diversity means in its core and where people can differ in an organization.

Source: Charta der Vielfalt, in accordance with Gardenswarts & Rowe

Personality is the center (1). There are internal dimensions such as age, ethnic background, gender (2), and external dimensions such as educational background, experience, family, personal habits (3) as well as organizational dimensions such as function and job grading or the field of work (4).

Diversity management usually pursues economic objectives. The diversity of the employees, their backgrounds and experiences, perspectives and mindsets drive the companies’ creativity, innovation, and invention and thus their competitive advantage. Diversity management therefore hires diverse talent and makes sure that each employee can reach their potential in a positive work environment and maximize their contributions to the strategic goals. At the same time, diversity management makes efforts in order for all employees to perceive the advantages of diversity and appreciate their individual differences. ID37 supports this approach.

Personality is at the heart of the diversity model

ID37 engages in distinguishing traits of people that are not obvious at first glance. The ID37 personality assessment helps us to identify and understand our motives. Motives are personality traits that are expressed differently in each person and are key elements to show the unique character of a person and explain individual behavior.

ID37 makes differences in personalities visible

In the workplace personality reveals itself in behavior and through language, and mostly not in a very clear way. ID37 personality profiles map and visualize a person’s motivation-based personality structure accurately, using 16 dimensions. Only by understanding differences and resulting behavior, people can avoid conflicts and get along better with one another. Ignorance leads to prejudice and discrimination. This is why it is important to make essential characteristics of the individual personality comprehensible and discussible.

ID37 fosters mutual understanding and open dialogue

Working with the ID37 personality assessment in organizations enables employees to pay close attention to their own personality and their impact on others. They become aware of why others are different and start to discuss these differences. Based on ID37 they can rely on a shared model and use a common language for individual needs, personality and emotions. This makes ID37 indispensible as a tool to manage diversity.

How ID37 Accelerates Diversity Management

In order to appreciate diversity it takes awareness for the other, the strange. Working with the ID37 assessment tool helps to engage with oneself and others in a very effective way. We recommend to introduce the work with ID37 in a team setting:

The integration of ID37 in teams takes place step-by-step:

1st step: Self-awareness of one’s own personality
Each team member receives his or her ID37 individual personality profile and gains insights in regards to their thinking, acting and feeling as well as self-acceptance. Blind spots and possible prejudices towards others become conscious.

2nd step: Engaging within the team
The individual personality profiles are revealed during a kick-off team workshop. The first effects become obvious:

  • What are differences and similarities?
  • Which are the patterns of thinking and behavior within the team?
  • Differences are accepted, the own perspective is broadened.
  • Tolerance grows.

3rd step: Developing a mutual understanding

What is the effect of the differences and similarities within the team?

  • What is each team member currently contributing?
  • What is each team member supposed to contribute to improve team performance?

4th step: Team development focused on diversity

  • How is the team developing in respect to the differences?
  • How do the similarities strengthen the team?
  • What can be improved overall?

Result: a more open, appreciating culture and higher productivity

Team members learn to

  • step out of their own world.
  • respect other’s perspective.
  • open up towards others.
  • speak about mindset, attitude, emotions.
  • listen emphatically, e.g. during team meetings.
  • use diversity in a more targeted way, e.g. in role distribution, problem solving.

Teams that work with ID37 personality profiles recognize their inter personnel diversity. They strive for appreciative and less biased collaboration. They understand that diversity is a strength. With the ID37 team analysis they have a practical tool for taking action.

Conclusion: The purposeful work with ID37 paves the way for an appreciative and open team culture. The smaller work units will demonstrate the development potential for the entire organization.

>> How diverse is your team?

You want to find out more about the diversity within your team and learn about similarities and differences? Contact ID37

On our own behalf: ID327 signs Charta der Vielfalt!

ID37 Company is a signatory of the “Charta der Vielfalt“ (Diversity Charter). The initiative is committed to advancing bias-free work environments, which is central to our purpose as a company. We underline our ambitions in our diversity statement:

“Every person is unique. ID37 identifies this uniqueness. Our work brings the details of personalities into focus, helps us to understand how we differ from each other and encourages dialogue and exchange. We help create the foundation of mutual respect, appreciative interaction and effective diversity management.”
Logo Charta der Vielfalt signed

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